2018-2020 Member of Parliament,
Canton of Zurich
Since 2016 University of Zurich,
Titular Professor
Since 2012 Partner at Ronzani
Schlauri Attorneys
2010 Sunrise Communications,
Senior legal counsel
2009 ricardo.ch AG, Legal counsel
Since 2008 Creative Commons Switz.
2003 University of Zurich,
Assistant professor
2002 Homburger, Trainee
2002 Zurich District Court,
Court clerk
1999 University of Zurich,
Scientific assistant
2010 Habilitation in Telecom Law
(network neutrality), University of Zurich
2004 Admission Swiss lawyers bar
2002 PhD in IT Law (electronic
signatures), University of Zurich
1998 lic. iur., University of Zurich
Preferred Technology+Law
Telecoms and energy (e.g. regulatory, MVNO, lawful interception)
Network neutrality
Software and software contracts
Data protection and security
Electronic signatures
E-/m-commerce, payment, competition and consumer law
Media and copyright law
/ch/open (board)
Digitale Allmend (board)
Internet Society ISOC
International Telecom-munications Society ITS
Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz
Swiss eMobility
Swiss Bar Association
Zurich Bar Association
Swiss Lawyers' Association
ELSA Alumni